Affiliate Disclosure

I love talking about clean living and safe beauty.  When I find something I love, I want to spread the word by writing about it, posting a review, sharing tips and tricks, etc.

I have decided to become an affiliate to a few of these companies that I LOVE. This means I receive a small commission for products sold if you choose to buy through links on my page.  I want to clarify that I personally seek out affiliation agreements with companies when I find a product I can’t live without – not the other way around.  I love sharing my favorites with all of you!

  • This commission does not sway my review in anyway.
  • Every product I recommend, I have personally tried and loved.
  • I am very judicious about who I support and what products I recommend and review.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me on my contact page.  I would love to hear from you!